site icon


New Member
I still use IE. Works ok for me.
Sorry but... I dont want just an "ok" web experience...

I E is garbage regardless...
Firefox lets you be in control.
it is sooo much better and safer
if you dont understand ... try it... and dont just install it and start using it... customize it! go through the settings and make it your own. Then go to the addons page and go freakin wild!!!
Dont get me started on AOL... freakin nazis
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New Member
What a rip! I just found out that Club Civic has a icon!...

Jay Jay

Staff member
CC has all the features.

I've been trying to get JayJay to make ours like CC for a while now.

It's all good, we got upgrades every so often.
Sorry, I've been slacking. I'll try to take care of this this week.