2nd Annual ClubIntegra.com Meet


Super Moderator
You know......if this was in the middle of the nation somewhere, east and west coasters could come. How about in Texas LOL


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
june ish......after school...........nice weather......cool people......douchebags in DAs.


B20 powa!!!!
Now all thats needed is location.....
and hopefully it will not be on an AutoX or trackday weekend.
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New Member
TI had a meet in Charlotte NC last year thats towards the west.
Some citys just thrown out with stuff to do....
VA Beach
Richmond, VA
Greenvile, NC
Myrtle Beach, SC


New Member
We should have the meet there! Looks like fun! Corner heaven... What do you say guys? Road trip?
+1 It does look pretty fun, however it's about 20 hours just to get there from here, 2675.8 miles and almost 40 hours round trip.:shock: lol


New Member
Wut about OC MD? Second week of June? Guys from NY, PA, NJ, MD, DE, VA would be able to make in a resonable distance.