Cleanest Engine Bays

Ominous G2

I think its just called a water hose. I know my dad has like 20 feet of it used as a drain for a humidifier for his house.

Backwoodz Tuner

New Member
is it clean enough 4 ya'alls?

well i don't own B18C5 nor a K20 yet lol , but heres a pic of what i got , my 95 GSR motor. Is it clean enough 4 ya'all?:roll:


Backwoodz Tuner

New Member
That's alot of bling.

yeah it's a lot of bling i like it though cause i love to see the look of peoples faces when i pop tha hood. Cause it's the las thing the average person expects from a car like this. It was a lot of work and time but hey it's all about the love, the love for standing out from the crowd of all the other hot tegs out there. I like to be different:twisted:


New Member

yeah it's a lot of bling i like it though cause i love to see the look of peoples faces when i pop tha hood. Cause it's the las thing the average person expects from a car like this. It was a lot of work and time but hey it's all about the love, the love for standing out from the crowd of all the other hot tegs out there. I like to be different:twisted:
Owch, no disrespect but thats way to much rice for me.


New Member
your car is the description of :rice: for most people. sry to tell u that, i dont wanna make u feel bad but if u were to post that on a site like you'd get flamed:angryfire reallllllll bad bro, but im all for doing ur own thing, just aint my style sry if i came across bad.


a.k.a. crabs!
hey as long as your not a noob then you can be a ricer lol. theres nothing worse then someone that just throws junk onto a car cause it looks cool and knows next to nothing about the actual car itself and anything performance related.

so with that said im sure its looks clean to someone... just probably not the majority of the people on here. personally i dont like that look because it makes me think of someone who just knocked over a bunch of different color paint cans onto your motor.

...but hey... to each his own. do what you like :thumbs up


Active Member

question..anyone know of white wrinkle paint?

Backwoodz Tuner

New Member
Well thanks for not totally bashin me up too bad, my next build ain't gonna be so flashy. Other than the forged internals I'm throwin in that motor now. I'll have pics up here in a few months when I get her done. Then I'll have a then to now e-bay. Thanks for. Everones opinions