Common Problems with a 91' DA


DA:my work in progress
I was just wondering what would some common problems with a 91 gs,with a 93' b18 motor in it?
the bodys got 227,xxx,but the motors got 90,xxx miles on it.
so Iwas just curious as to what to look out for.


New Member
Everything you would think in any other car...

Common problems... Let's see what i experienced more then once... Idle Air Control Valve has gone out afew times... Other then that everything is just regular.

Ominous G2

My tails never leaked, fortunetly. Will replace them when I repaint just because. Even though I dont take her out in the rain anymore.

DB2 B17A1

Corner Junkie
I have and others i've heard had a problem with the doors sittin flush with the body after a while. idk...

Ominous G2

Yeah, it leaks in through the vent. The vent that goes under your wiper cowl, and sucks in fresh air.

Man A

Main fuel relay,bouncy idle, foggy windows, window wind noise (dont close properly after time), door triggers, climate control ( solders crack) those just off the top of my head


DA:my work in progress
semi-threadjack: has anyone else had problems with the automatic seatbelt working intermitedly?
your seat belts are warrantied for life,all you have to do is go up to an acura dealership and they should fix it for free,cause I have the same problem.