My Viper Alarm is messed up! HELP!


Integra Duderino
Alright. Well, my little keypad thing (door locker button thing) went through the washer, and I let it dry out, but now, the little LED light stays on! It's draining battery quick, and I want to know if anyone knows how I can fix this... Please, HELP!!!:shock:


Super Moderator
^ Nope. I know because with my alarm I only got one. I think the replacement ones are $100.


Integra Duderino
Ahh crap... Well, Can I pretty much get them anywhere or do I have to order them from like a company? Also, do they need to reprogram it or anything like that?


New Member
i would inquire about it directly from viper or a best buy that sells viper equipment. and u can prolly find an instruction manual online via viper's website. in which, it should tell u how to reprogram


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
head to your local authorized DEI alarm installer and have them do it for you for a small fee + new remote since you probably didn't install your system yourself. best buy i believe are also authorized dealers too.
