Home Page News


We don't use the news section enough on the front page, it's lame, i'm tired of seeing the same thing all the time. We should update it with stuff going on. For instance, 8urcivic should be up there for winning August ride of the month, we could also update it with articles on how Honda is doing in Formula 1 or things like LMP1orLMP2 stats for Acura. I mean I know the mods are busy and some might not know how to do that sort of stuff, but I think it would really help give some extra touches to the site and atract more attention then seeing the same stuff all the time. I would help but I don't really have access to that stuff.


Super Moderator
I always forget about the home page. CI is book marked into my favorites where it skips it and goes straight into the forums through my mod CP. Not a bad idea at all though
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I always forget about the home page. CI is book marked into my favorites where it skips it and goes straight into the forums through my mod CP. Not a bad idea at all though
Yea I know alot of other forums do stuff like that, and this site is setup pretty damn good, I just feel like it doesn't get as much effort put into it as it should, I mean I know thats Jay Jays thing and he's a busy man and all but I wish there was something we could do about it.


Super Moderator
I like that idea.

For me, the home page is too boring as it is for me to stay on it for any period of time.


It's kinda like the front page of the newpaper, if it's constantly updated and looks promising people will want to look inside. Ok that might not have been the best analogy but you get the idea.:lol: I don't think it would be that hard to update, I would really like to take care of it, but you know.

Jay Jay

Staff member
Yeah, sorry guys. If anyone would be interested in helping out let me know.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
I think who ever won the ROTM should have a picture of their car on the News Page. And maybe some Motorsports news and Meets that are going on around the C-I Nation.


Yeah, sorry guys. If anyone would be interested in helping out let me know.
Like I said, I wouldn't mind writing up small articles and getting the info every week or month to update it. Hooking ROTM up there is easy.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
Go Aussie! lol. Our News Page editor.

Oh maybe some news on who gets new parts, stolen tegs so people can look out for it, and maybe some wrecked teg news..

and those 2 last ones can be like a Bad News Section.. can also include some New laws that interferes with our Tuner Community.

Just some ideas..


f1 stats...honda technical articles n new developments would be nice and we wouldnt have to fill the shout box aussie haha

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
Go Aussie! lol. Our News Page editor.

Oh maybe some news on who gets new parts, stolen tegs so people can look out for it, and maybe some wrecked teg news..

and those 2 last ones can be like a Bad News Section.. can also include some New laws that interferes with our Tuner Community.

Just some ideas..
Oh and as an addition to all the news, as Jimmy says, have new articles for swaps, conversions, etc.

and maybe who ever may have an update on their progress thread.


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
yea...so put a pick of my car up!!!! im jk...i dont even look at the home page because i felt nothing ever changed.