JDM Bliss
Ok honestly why do all these kids with D series Honda Civics keep talking about how they run quarter mile and thats all that they run and their car is quote Fast as hell.
WTF Im tired of all these retarded kid parked next to my car waiting for me to come out and talk shit to me trying to race me.
I come out of work tonight and some civic lowered with rice tails is parked next to me. So when I walk out I kinda look over my car and get in then the kid rolls down his window and is like lets race. So im like WTF I tell him quarter is for little girls its to easy them he procedes to tell me hondas are the best on the quarter because they are so light then he goes on and on about D series. Well to make this long ass story short I ignore him after a min or two and leave well he follows me on the highway and procedes to ride my ass so I break check him and take off and leave his ass well I get on another highway to head home and he tried to follow me so I nail it on the onramp which is like a bend right then 90 left and I never saw him agen.
Someone please tell me why everybody loves the quarter mile so much. Please ease my mind im begging.
end rant
WTF Im tired of all these retarded kid parked next to my car waiting for me to come out and talk shit to me trying to race me.
I come out of work tonight and some civic lowered with rice tails is parked next to me. So when I walk out I kinda look over my car and get in then the kid rolls down his window and is like lets race. So im like WTF I tell him quarter is for little girls its to easy them he procedes to tell me hondas are the best on the quarter because they are so light then he goes on and on about D series. Well to make this long ass story short I ignore him after a min or two and leave well he follows me on the highway and procedes to ride my ass so I break check him and take off and leave his ass well I get on another highway to head home and he tried to follow me so I nail it on the onramp which is like a bend right then 90 left and I never saw him agen.
Someone please tell me why everybody loves the quarter mile so much. Please ease my mind im begging.
end rant