LS=Likely Slow
Not even the EVO or STI. I dont like those wings. The only reason the Supra and DSM pulls off the wing is because of the cars curves. Their VERY curvy and the wing flows right in. The USDM Type-R can pull it off to. But a JDM front cant pull off the Type-R spoiler (looses the flow of body lines for it).I just can't get used to the big spoiler on them. Not many cars can get away with it. Maybe a Supra, 2G DSM, EVO, STi, GTR, and a late model VR4 but that's is pushing it. Let's see a good no spoiler pic........
Yay you! I love dogs! I have a Spanador. Spaniel/Labrador back well actually i came back last tuesday but my internet at home is off so im at the parents, anywho got a new dog, its a samoyed husky he is kick ass i will have pics up soon