picked her up yesterday!!!!!


Raceline USA
That's a steal man! Everything looks good except for the two license plate frames on the front, buttload of stickers on the rear bumper, black roof, and the DOCH VTEC badge (Don't fake, you don't have VTEC.) Welcome to clubintegra!


New Member
Thats an awesome price!!! good luck with the build.


needed the cash. and trust i dont fake anything as you can see i jus purchased the car 1day b4 the pics the badge is off now


well the license number is changed anyway the mileage on the chassis is 126xxx and the motor was bought from a local shop here so prolly like 55000+ i say no more then 60000 he didnt drive the car for 1month and a half

crzy azn

is crzy
wow, real nice find and its super clean except for the license plates and all the stickers. glad your taking care of that though lol.