Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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ONLY couches pull out!!!!
It's funny how we're talking about the sedans. Have you guys ever had encounters with the coupes? I haven't yet, but a Z messed with me. I didn't even try and waste my time. He gunned it and sped off thinking he was the shit. Kid looked like he was 16 and barely got his license.
i whored the shit out of me.


Raceline USA
Running the touge tomorrow morning, take some pics, haircut, family-friend's bday party, chill with the gf, and basketball game. That's all I can think of at the moment. Lol!


New Member
yeah but there where other stuff needed to be fixed before that happened.
just the clutch master/slave cylinders and a motor mount.


*JDM Approved*
Drinking and bourne ultimatum 2nite

car should be done 2morrow, doubt it though, not using it or starting it till tune though =\


Unregistered User
oh man... I have some new pictures from a camera mount we made the other day... It's fucking awesome!! Maybe I'll post them up tomorrow... maybe not. we'll see how I feel / if I get bored enough. lol

Either way, it's probably one of the coolest things I've ever made to take pictures with. lol
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