Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
haha nah. all puppies look cute... but after a month or 2... its like blehhh stupid doggie. haha

so how've you been? looked like you disappeared and got all the dudes worried. :p

let me find a pic of when my dog was a pup.... sucker was cute now its kinda ghey.


haha nah. all puppies look cute... but after a month or 2... its like blehhh stupid doggie. haha

so how've you been? looked like you disappeared and got all the dudes worried. :p

let me find a pic of when my dog was a pup.... sucker was cute now its kinda ghey.
Haha what kind of dog do you have?

I was in hiding. ;)


hahah OHHHHHHHHH MAN!! That's a cute ass puppy!!

I got another dog! A chocolate lab. We went to go look at some pitbulls because I wanted a big dog, but that shit was all bad. They said the puppies were eight WEEKS old, but when we got there, they looked like they were about eight MONTHS old. lol Assholes. We had to drive an hour out into the boonies, too. The pits were all caged separately and were living in some nasty ass conditions. Shit everywhere and nowhere to run and play. BAD, BAD breeders.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
haha i ain't gonna lie, pitbulls are scary. even though it all depends on how they were raised and even though they are friendly... there's always that thought of its jaws locking onto your arm / leg that makes me twitch.... lol.

i wanted a pit for a moment... then i keep hearing about these "attacks"... i'm jus scared it'll bite a friend or family or neighbor. haha


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
at least with a small dawg... all you need is a good swift kick.... ROFL, kinda fucked up... i kno. but imagining it is funny as hell.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
haha i'd never really kick my dog, everyday i come home and its happy wagging its tail like krayzay. :)


My dog just turned 8 weeks. He cries a lot. I think he's homesick. He hasn't been eating much. I might take him to the vet if he doesn't start eating more.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
awww poor puppy. trinh isn't giving it enough loving. watever you do don't give it human food or its gonna spoil the dog. my dog eats watever my parents eat... rice... fish... noodles... letuce. shit wont touch dog food... haha


I've learned my lesson.

This puppy is only gonna be eating puppy food. Haha That and carrots. He likes to chew on carrots, since he's teething. His little Nylabone is too big for him to wrap his mouth around. He's been tearing up his little rawhide sticks, too. I'm afraid to leave any with him overnight, because he might break off a piece and choke.
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