Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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The Transporter
Is anyone up??? My sister just woke up at 3am and is going phyco. My door is busted in and country music is playing. I have the broken framed door held shut with a dre

esor. She just tried busting in again. I think she is on drugs. Or i am. Becasue this shit is crazy. She left again. All I can hear is things moving/braking in the kitchen.

I cant do anything, cant hit/hurt her. Cant keep her out. Cant leave (my stuff wil be gone/trashed)

Anyone have ideas? My sleeping father (at a diff house) gave up on me, and actually got mad when I called him about this. I mean this is his house she is distroying
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The Transporter
P.S- hope she doesnt turn on your wrx
Ive been awake all night watching. I think she fell asleep. I wanted to cal the cops. But after mentioning that I was yelled at by my father. He was threating me if I called them. So basically I wont sleep today.....fuck. Im tired. I need a gaurd to watch as I sleep. I hate life right now, all because that bitch. And of course when she talks to my father about this she fake crys. Then when she gets off she fucking taunts me about it. Damn, she is fucking 20, she needs to grow the fuck up.

But really? What the hell can I do here? I had deadbolts in the door (figured that would be fine), not for phyco. Now I cant leave, becasue when I do she will steal my shit. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


New Member
G35 passed me of course,
the integra stayed behind us most of the time,
other than that im slow...but still have gas woot
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