Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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07 BMW 328Xi
im hoping my car gets out of the shop by next week. i never realized how hard it has been not driving standard for weeks. going insane! fuck AUTOS! yeah bitches! i need to hear my VTEC again! :cry:


*JDM Approved*
Yep, my jdm conversion comes later this year

newho, im dyin without my car =(
its only been gone since monday and im going through bad withdrawal


Raceline USA
some dick reversed into my car (parked) and dipped.
What an asshole...

Just happened a few hours ago: Riced out EK Sedan passes me and revs when next to me. He gunned it and I follow behind. I was drafting him and was gonna pass him, but we were already goin 80mph. I had my 11-year old brother with me and didn't wanna put him in even more danger. If I was driving alone, I would have smoke his ass. I usually don't fuck with anyone on the streets. Only when they piss me off.
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