Fucking radiator blew while I was going to the paint shop to drop some parts off. Needle was fine, but smoke was POURING out from under the hood, every which way. Luckily the guys at the paint shop were super nice and offered to let me park my car inside overnight. Gotta get a new radiator. Bitches. Shit's all bad. There's coolant all over the engine bay. The guys there at the shop are cool, though. lol...They said we can come in the shop sometime tomorrow and fix it ourselves, so we don't have to tow it all the way back to North Sac. That'll save about $80-$100. No complaints here.
Looks like I'm not going to be road tripping for the 4th.
The funny part is that while I was driving to the paint shop, I saw this Scion with the 1-800-RADIATORS advertisement all over it. I made a mental note to order my radiator soon, too. A couple minutes down the road, BAAAAAAM! Coolant all over. Bitches and hoessssssssssss, bitches and hoesssssssss!
Poor teggy's gonna have to sleep overnight in South Sac! It's SOOOOO fucking ghetto there and notorious for car thefts. Especially teggies. I hope they remember to pull it into the shop like the one guy promised. Boo. <3teggymonster.