Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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*JDM Approved*
Girls round here don't try with me anymore cause all I care about is my car. lol
Girls just can't stand to be 2nd around here.


gf of obsessed teg driver
aww i'm sorry to hear you and her broke up....your better off anyways.

and just for the record i'm 8urcivic's number one, the teg is second :) hehe


*JDM Approved*
rofl! I was waiting for your input.

Yeah, I am better of no doubt. When a girl can lie str8 to ur face and have no regret about it, time to let a bitch go. Especially about sore topics or significant issues.

My new work is currently outta town in NE =(
She's going with me and Team Integra to the Dragon though =)


gf of obsessed teg driver
well I will be back in like an hour....I will talk to you later...LUNCH TIME!!! YaY

congrats on the new girl though ;)


lol! thats why I love you baby... you're so smart!!w

Your brother still isn't done with his motor yet? lol, you're getting ths shaft in that deal....
Nah uh, he forgot to order one of the parts. lol I think he just likes having his shit all around.

I probably won't be back in the garage until he gets his new M5 bumpers back from the shop and on. Then it's my turn to be in the garage. Imma do my timing belt and water pump! LOL Shit's gonna be all bad...


I hate Ikea. Their shit sucks and parking's a bitch. I came outta there after wandering the freaking place for hours to find a nice foot long scrape of my rear bumper. The gayest part is that there wasn't even a parking space next to me on the right for them to pull in and "accidently" hit me. Dickheads. I quit. I'm just gonna stop going People are fucking assholes in parking lots! I'm sick of all these dents and scratches building up on the teggy from careless shitheads like that.

Okie, DONE. lol I can go back to work now.
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save a a porno
lady stopped short and i tried to sweve right, locked up my brakes and rear ended her
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