official club integra meet # 2


save a a porno
yeah we could do the dragon as stated before but like i said im trying to broaden it out, yeah the first did great being that it was on the east coast the draogon is mid to east coast but you wont get the turnout from all of us westcoast guys because it s too far its a 2 day drive from my apt to the tail, but again dont rule it out, i would like to get some of the west coast peeps ideas as well as far as doing one on the west coast


Active Member
i think like was mentioned there needs to be a 3place meet(west, midwest, east coast meets) either have them on the same day or 3day...make one friday, another saturday, and another sunday.


save a a porno
yeah that has been brought up and i do like the idea, but the point of a national meet is everyone from the country can attend, but im just getting ideas so yeah


I <3 2.4l's
i dunno bout gettin everyone to the middle of the coutry, thats about a day drive just to get there for anyone one on the coasts


Active Member
yea x2. that's why it would be better to have 3 meets midwest, west and east. same day so it would be like an international meet. have someone on the east coast pick a spot, someone on the west coast pick a spot and some one in the midwest pick a spot. have it on the same day, same time(according to time zones) and that will be the closest to an international meet you can get.


I <3 2.4l's
i think the east coast should go to either NC or MD next time, bc thats where alot of people are from.
