Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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*JDM Approved*
What up everyone!

going to bed

postin my pics later and posted like 4 shots

also, ran a new best for my oil spitting GSR. 15.2


Unregistered User
My teg's finally getting painted next weekend!!

My buddy is finishing up some of the body work this weekend, then spraying it (for free) for me next weekend. I'm so excited!! Free shit rocks!!!


Unregistered User
^ Hahaha! For a moment there, I was thinking, "What the fuck are shit rocks...?"

Ugh. I want my garage parking back. Someone broke into a car around the corner the other night.
lol! thats why I love you baby... you're so smart!!w

Your brother still isn't done with his motor yet? lol, you're getting ths shaft in that deal....
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