He wants 26k....
"Just so I break even. I'm not trying to make any money. there's 17k into the engine, about 2k into audio, and the rest went into body work."
I believe that he spent that money on the car, just because it is amazingly clean, but DAMN! You NEVER make back what you spent on a build unless you did it for someone. NEVER!
He said - "26 thousand"
i said - "you mean hundred? WOW!"
Him - "no... I mean thousand. I want to break even with this project."
Me - "heh... thats a little out of my price range..."
SERIOUSLY?!?! Who in their right mind would pay 26k on a car that is 17 years old, and they didn't build themselves?!?!
wow... Just... wow.
I was pissed. I really thought i was going to get a nice car!!