painted my valve cover


95 db8
I painted my valve cover over the weekend. Here's a few pics.

I need to fix it, though. I followed the write up on here from clubcivic. Let it dry 12 hours and baked for 20min.and it still wasn't completely dry when I put masking tape on to sand the letters and some of the paint peeled off.


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
should have left it in the oven for a little longer immediately after painting it, wrinkles would have been tighter. and best to mask off the letters before you paint. not bad though, the shade of red is gorgeous. i love it. just needs a little touching up and she'll be all better.


The Transporter
Looks nice! I need to practice with some wrinkle paint. How hot did you set your oven?


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
should have left it in the oven for a little longer immediately after painting it, wrinkles would have been tighter. and best to mask off the letters before you paint. not bad though, the shade of red is gorgeous. i love it. just needs a little touching up and she'll be all better.
any more info on this? how long and at what temp?


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
not sure, but it recommends it on the back of the can i had (VHT paint) i didn't bake mine when i did it though. i just left it in front of a propane heater lol. turned out okay. let me see if i can find the can...


Quote directly from the can...


6: This paint dries very slowly. Although paint appears dry, avoid any contact with the surface for at least 24 hours. Do not reassemble or corrupt surface for at least 5 days. Applying a heat source (such as a hot air gun or bake in an oven for one hour at 90* C (200* F) shortly after the last coating is applied will cause the wrinkles to be tighter and accelerate drying process.

Directly off the back of the can of VHT Wrinkle Black i used to paint my LS valve cover a few months ago.

hope that helps.
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95 db8
The write up I followed said let it dry for 12 hrs and then bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 min. It was almost dry and actually felt dry to me. But some of the paint peeled off with the tape. If I were guessing I would try maybe baking for 45 min. or letting dry for an extra 4 or 5 hrs. It does dry really slow. I am so pissed because it looked so good before I fucked it up. I'm thinking about leaving it on the car and taping everything up and just spraying the bad spot and letting it dry overnight this weekend. Thinking maybe the wrinkles will blend in. If not then I will start all over :whiner:


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
if you have a spare valve cover, put that one on and restart the project. if not, i'd wait until the weekend before i masked anything off and sprayed it again. give it about a week to fully cure, otherwise, it'll likely flake off again when you remove the tape. like it says, it dries REALLY slow.


95 db8
no spare. But I just bought another hooptie yesterday, so I'll let it sit for a couple days. think that will be enough. I actually posted my car for sale this week, locally. Thought I overpriced it at $6000, but I've had alot of interest. If anybody here is close and interested hit me up. And I will be getting another teg, by the way. Just trying to buy a motorcycle and another car. Didn't think I could sell it that high, but it's looking like I might.