** H-T Marcus Dairy Meet Pics - 6-3-07 **


New Member
Not sure how many of you are on the east coast, but we had the biggest local meet of the year today in Danbury, CT....here are my pics. If anyone else has pics feel free to post em up :)

( p.s. - mods: if this is in the wrong place, sorry in advance )



New Member

and here's a pic of my baby that someone from HT took:

comments / questions welcome :)


07 BMW 328Xi
dope meet. i heard of the meet and was gonna drive down with my cousin but schedule clashes. :roll:


98' JDM Integra
nice pics, our upstate ny, H-T meet is sometime soon, imma take some pics


New Member
Love those R's and seems like a really good turn-out but not really a big fan of preludes.....


New Member
There was literally probably a dozen or more ITR's there...it was crazy


New Member
The CRX was jet powered lol...seriously.

It revs up to 54K rpms O.O

And that guy was husltin people lol....shells...cards whateva you wanna call it....