Vistas finest 97' Integra LS -


No fucks given.
Does it feel really laggy up to a certain rpm, then a sudden burst of power?

When mine was fucking up, I could floor it and it would barely go anywhere, then around 2300ish, it was like:
Does it feel really laggy up to a certain rpm, then a sudden burst of power?

When mine was fucking up, I could floor it and it would barely go anywhere, then around 2300ish, it was like:

It's not in any other gear it's upon launch in first gear only from stop engaging first that's it. I drop clutch into first and it hesitates to engage gear and then once it's in it will accelerate with plenty of torque and it will launch its just takin a good 3 seconds to drop into first from a stop to start picking up speed

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Active Member
I didn't think I was going to like that color but I was wrong

:thumbs up
