are those internet classes, or do you go into a classroom and sit in front of a teacher?
I couldn't see myself being able to do more than 2 classes and work FT.
3 are in class and one is online. I may drop a few to make it easy on me.
Organic chemistry (my death)
Auto 100 (for the lawls)
And two computer courses to get an it cert (for the lawls)
nice, im having to take Math in society and 2 computer classes to shoot for my tech degree. No job = unemploy = grant = tech degree. Was going for my AA, but now its put on hold till i find a J-O-B
i noticed that bikers have all sorts of color LEDs on their bikes, and they dont get bothered. but once its on a car/truck, boom, pulled over and harrassed. WTF!!!!