URGENT: What did I get myself into?



Today I bought an integra, it has a gsr chassis but the previous owner swapped in an ls engine and did a makeshift wiring job. This is my first car and have no idea where to begin to get the car back to normal or somewhere near it. I'll be getting most of my parts from rockauto and doing most of the work myself with a little guidance from some friends. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Reppin' tha NW
I don't see how we can help without any direction in what the exact problem is.

Any specifics?


The other asshole
Let's start with what exactly is wrong with it, Then we can help guide you down the right path.


There is oil leaking onto the transmission I think it's from the distributor and also the car is very sluggish when accelrating from a start


The other asshole
Check the cam seal, Little black plastic cap next to the distributer, If it's leaking replace it with a billet one, If it is the Dizzy just get a new o-ring and you're good.

As for being sluggish, Is it hesitating or is it just slow? :lol:


Definitely slower than what it should be I hope :(. Also do you have any idea how I would go about rewiring like what parts to buy harnesses etc.


My job is clean toilets
I hope you bought an intake for that...

And you have more pics of the car ;)
