Skid's "Ghost" progress


Cascade Honda Crew
Thx guys :)

Man you need to pick up a jug of super clean and get to work in that bay!!!!!
Looks good tho.
I know, it's bugging me a shit load, but with the oil leak down the front of the block, what's the point you know? Hopefully this Sat before the meet (whatever time that's gonna be lol) I can change the gaskets...


Active Member
Do that anyways to make sure there are no other leaks, and too see how bad this one really is. Good excuses, ya know? :p
And I am so serious, you really need to put that gasket on your list. Like soon. Along with the stud kit, comes out to like $94 iirc. It will solve all your problems, and it makes the whole deal so much smoother. Should have been a similar material from oem if you ask me. I really wish I could go to the meet, I've been wanting to get out and do sumthn like that lol. So damn busy tho..


Cascade Honda Crew
Yeah, that oil pan gasket is on the list. The top end gaskets I'm gonna do later.this.evening hopefully. If not then sat before the meet.


Active Member
Seriously. Spend that money on mods!


Cascade Honda Crew
Thanks gentlemen. Haven't updated this thread :( so I did end gaskets. Vtec solenoid, vc, and cam seal. The solenoid was what was leaking up top. BAD! It was so hard and crispy that when I went to dig it out of the grooves it snapped lol. But now it's been, what? Two weeks since I did that? And no oil coming from up top. However...still STILL oil coming from that GODAMN PIECE OF SHIT BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKIN OIL PAN GASKET!!! Soooo angry, but whatevs I'm gonna get that myhondahabit one with the stud kit Dlo was talking about once I get the funds, which should be relatively soon. Big jews, my oldest daughter moved back in with me (she's 4), so my child support will be half, and it's summer so I'll be workin crazy good hours :)

So when I went to do all the gaskets, I saw that the grommet seals on top of the vc were seeping oil. Nothing serious, but needed to be changed out non the less. I couldn't find ANY dealership with all 8 of the oem ones in stock to go get that day, so I looked online and came across these washer seals, and thought meh, why not? Give it a shot. They're "vms racing" which I'm pretty sure is just an ebay brand which makes me nervous, but we'll see how well they hold up.

Pics of the cam seal (solenoid covers it up :( )



Cascade Honda Crew
Replaced the spark plugs today. Been getting some black soot out of the exhaust, and someone told me it probably needs a tune up. I haven't even looked at the plugs since I got it and man...they were pretty rough, and the cheap ones to boot. So I got the oem ngk iridium plugs. It runs and drives smoother now, and haven't seen the soot, but also haven't been on it hard.

Check out the old plugs:



Use 92 octane and that should prolong the spark plugs as well. Probably give you better mpg and more powa to the wheels ;)