Skid's "Ghost" progress


Cascade Honda Crew
When we get some halfway decent weather come on down and we will track that leak dude.. If its coming from up top it could be quite a bit of things. probly vtec solenoid or cam seal.
Were u gonna buy a wiper delete online or what?
Buy those Spoon calipers! !! or at least some spoon goodies, that makes the blue MUCH more acceptable. Just sayin.. :)
It doesn't look like it's coming from the solenoid, or cam seal. Looks like the corner of the head/block seam.
I was planning on getting the CHC wiper delete plug *wink wink, nudge nudge* :)

I wish I had the monies for spooning :(

Skid, you lucky lucky bastard...


Active Member
carb spray everything and wipe it all off. Then snap some pics for me.
Hahaha, yeah... I will have to pull mine off one of these days and grab the measurements..
Shit, start small.. Reservoir covers are cheap.


Cascade Honda Crew
Today I painted my spare wiper arms and put those on, replacing the super chipped up ones that were on there.

And yesterday I did a little photo shoot at the park after my girls got picked up by their mom. Wish I woulda washed my car...oh well.


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Active Member
lol didnt even notice em, must be the lighting. And ive only seen this thing in the dark! haha


Cascade Honda Crew
Thanks all :)

Yeah I want an itr lip, and skirts, then laugh at noobs who tell me I got a sick itr lol.

Also, this last tuesday while replacing the oil pan gasket (again) I swapped out the truhart coilovers for my tokico illuminas and HnR springs that I had on my LS. Such a smoother ride. I'm pretty sure the PO didn't load the suspension properly when he installed the truharts cause it rattled and bounced and was god awful. Not any more though :)

Oh, and it's STILL leaking fuckin oil from that damn gasket! I'm about ready to just say fuck it and get a whole new pan. There's a huge dent in it from some past impact. Possibly that could have warped the rim of the pan so now it won't seal properly???


Active Member
I gotta do my suspension. Well, want to.. Was gonna do it tomorrow when I do my axles and seals but I won't have everything here by then. One pair of top hats will get delivered today, and the other ones are hopefully shipping Monday. Snagged the last pair then he restocked like 2 days later, oh well. Soon enough..

Pretty sure I got 1 or 2 oil pans floatin around somewhere. If it was pan failure I would suspect cracking rather than warping.. But you can definitely have one of my pans if you want. You need to justs grab a gasket and get over here so I can help you out man. I'd hate to see something bad happen over some BS like that. Sell those TruHarts and get all the maintenance stuff you need, haha.