Better Stroker kits? Suggestions?


Brian Crower. And I've been told that I would need to get a kit for the engine otherwise my car wouldn't be able to handle the HP that I'm pushing from the boost.


New Member
hahah nice play on my favorite saying for building motors, "Fast, Reliable, Cheap. Pick two."

My other favorite saying is from my head specialist/teacher; "Pay once, cry once." Meaning, when you pay for quality stuff, the only time you cry is when you make that payment. Been living by that lately and it has saved me headaches for sure.


New Member
Brian Crower. And I've been told that I would need to get a kit for the engine otherwise my car wouldn't be able to handle the HP that I'm pushing from the boost.
What kit?


My other favorite saying is from my head specialist/teacher; "Pay once, cry once." Meaning, when you pay for quality stuff, the only time you cry is when you make that payment. Been living by that lately and it has saved me headaches for sure.

Bullshit, I've had a couple motors built with "quality" parts shit on me. Not saying you still shouldn't buy quality parts, just that people shouldn't get an idea in their head that having good parts, build, and tune, will make their motor guaranteed.

Didn't Muckman also just have a recent explosion...just saying shit goes wrong.


New Member
True, but "Pay once, cry once(maybe)." Doesn't sound as cool. And you won't cry nearly as often when you buy proper quality stuff. Muckmans issue is different too, because he has a lot of customization. Customization is all about trial and error.


Not a M0derator
Nick is right about paying for quality parts once. Those who have purchased low cost parts only to repair and replace them, ultimately buying the quality part they should have bought in the first place, learn that lesson. But its not that simple always.

Aussie is also right that your car (or engine) is not just the sum of its parts. Craftsmanship, attention to detail, tuning, maintenance, driver, are all major factors in reliability. You can buy the best of everything and still blow it up because you forgot to torque that rod bolt, or your tuner forgot to sync ignition, or you ran a low on fuel and sucked air during that late night hwy pull - there's a million reasons. Some guys get lucky and get it right the first time. Some of us spend our lives and tens of thousands of dollars chasing the dream.


New Member
Amen. Preach it brotha. I had a simple bore job cost me thousands and kill two blocks... Lesson there is to check the p2w clearances yourself. Don't trust that paper they give you.

Again though...what kit do you speak of OP?