Ted's Owner
On to Integra number two!
You have to be careful with cheap gas sometimes.I just go to any gas station that's cheapest lol
You have to be careful with cheap gas sometimes.I just go to any gas station that's cheapest lol
That's what I try to do.I use the same gas station everytime
Thanks!Looks good in there
http://www.ebay.com/itm/161059290478?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649Can i get a link to the daily driven sticker??
I remember you telling me that. Your car is just weird, CJ. :mrgreen:I seem to get the best gas mileage with shell. Although the only 2 places around anymore are shell and safeway. My car wont run with safeway gas.
That's good.It is weird. Oil wont stay in it, but I put some lucas oil stabilizer in it and no loss yet.
Thanks, CJ!Looks good.