^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


The other asshole
I think I'm gonna start using this thread more, It's more fun in here, Vip is full of squares. :lol:


The other asshole
It was really active when I joined, Cole would always hang out in here just as much as Vip and Ci was more active in general early 2012. :(


Boredest Member
Um look at pictures of stock cats. Aftermarket ones dont look the same cus i dont think they come with the shields. Now if youre also missing the shields then thats another story.

I think I'm gonna start using this thread more, It's more fun in here, Vip is full of squares. :lol:
Oh damnit hes back!

I havent attempted any drag launches in the fashion your brother is trying to do but ive accelerated quickly enough times to know and the rest is just logic. Ive seen some idiot try to race a supercharged civic with his bike (im guessing he got called out for a race and didnt want to look chicken and back down) and tried too hard to launch (scared to lose to a civic?) lost control off the bat, side swiped some poor girls car, bounced off it and ended up in the middle of the road. Worse off he tried to leave and fell flat on his ass again cus he gassed it while the bike wasnt vertical.
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F*ck my Calculus midterm. It was only 9 questions that took over 1 hours 30+ minutes to do. It was mindbogglingly hard.

Good news is the scumbags, who stole my car and stripped it, were arrested yesterday. Their chop shop was a block away from where my car was found 3 years ago. It looks like they were tipped off

Police report:

The Police Department [had] information that suspects were stripping stolen vehicles in the back yard of a residence on Cathay Drive. Officers from the Countys Regional Auto Theft Task Force (RATTF) responded to investigate. Patrol Officers and METRO Unit Officers also responded to conduct a probation search at the residence. One adult male subject was arrested on a felony probation warrant. The probation search revealed a stolen vehicle in the backyard of the home that was in the process of being stripped. The suspect arrested for the warrant was also booked for possession of stolen property, possession of a stolen vehicle, and operating a chop-shop. The suspect was booked into jail.
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Active Member
F*ck my Calculus midterm. It was only 9 questions that took over 1 hours 30+ minutes to do. It was mindbogglingly hard.

Good news is the scumbags, who stole my car and stripped it, were arrested yesterday. Their chop shop was a block away from where my car was found 3 years ago. It looks like they were tipped off
I hated calculus when I was in college. I hate mathematics altogether. 2 + 2 = 22