Thank you for the vote of confidence but even if I don't get to make my true wanted target, still 600 hp makes for a much more fun ride than the 165 or so (give or take) that i'm sitting on now and whatnot. But I do my research before I buy my parts so I may be able to build something strong and reliable as well as powerful. It's all in how much time and effort you put into the research as well as the money and parts needed. So I don't mind sacrificing a higher hp engine for a lower hp one as long as I know it's reliable. That's why I ask and research before I just buy parts willynilly. But yes, Spawne and Muckman have both given me plenty of food for thought on how to tweak my plans and reach something a little more realistic. Should I achieve higher hp than they think with their help, then sweet. If I still make within 500's or 600's I still give them many thanks anyway due to how helpful and insightful they've been. Alot of people have said plenty of good about Muckman for sure with his turbo expertise so I have confidence in what he's saying.Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to steer you away. You may be the first one asking about it that has prior knowledge on the topic. It's not often you see people who join saying they want 1000hp- who's done research. Lol.
Spawne and Muckman probably have more information on the subject than I, so I will tip my hat to you and wish you good luck on the build. Be sure to post up some pictures of the beast when it's done. :thumbs up
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