So I have a b18c at my garage seating round and was wondering should install it on to my 91 teg for everyday use? The reason why I am asking for your opinion is because I am little tired of driving around getting push over by cars "meaning not able to accelerate and pass over cars". I have 91 automatic teg with 160k miles on it but I feel the motor has no more power to go, keep in mind that this car is well maintenance and have been doing oil change every 2500 miles the car has no problems but i just feel like i was left out there world with a slow car. Or is it just me?
Please be nice ppl.
First of all, if you're woorried about being slow, F*** IT, follow the "LAWS" of the road...that's what I tell myself...and what do I see now, some yuppie, preppy MOFO in a beamers getting their ass pulled over.
From experience, 13 years ago, every motorist were following the rules of the road because of speed traps an such except for the "RACERS" until they wisened up...13 years today, it seems now that the "RACERS" have been tamed and now everyone else is speeding down the freeway, expressway all the way down to the residential streets, bringing us back to the first statement I made...
Stop giving a crap about motorists passing you by or bullying you over, Don't worry you'll get laugh when you see their ass pulled over later down the road...or worse they break down...
Second, as mentioned earlier, If you love your car, keep and treasure it. If you are unsatisfied with your teg, sell it and find another project. I have an automatic INTEG, and I love her. I purposely drive slow and give a one finger salute to anybody that has a problem with that.
Third, before you blame the car, check yourself first, maybe it's driving skills that hampering the teg...This statement was not meant make fun or disrespect. This was a question asked to me by a Pro racer. Hope this helps