Bought a cheap Integra


New Member
Just bought a cheap integra. $400. 220000 miles on it. Pretty much a beater car. I was looking at turbo kits on ebay. I found some for less than $800 which I can afford and they have everything included. My only question is what is what would I have to do for tuning the car? It doesn't have OBD so no idea how I would tune that. Would I have to do a dyno tune at a car shop or what?|Model:Integra&hash=item35b3a25c64&vxp=mtr


Integra Atheist
i wouldn't turbo a integra with 220k miles without a rebuild and fro what i have heard ebay kits are no good


Freedom through Jesus
What in the heck?! Look at what it says at the bottom of that Ebay page!!!

This item is produced for off-road or show purpose only. This item is not suitable for regular driving. User must follow the direction given and any misuse of this product is at his/her own risk.


New Member
Yeah it runs fine. I wasn't looking to gain a lot of horsepower out of this just thought it would be fun to slap a cheap turbo on it. Maybe not this specific kit but another cheap on ebay. One that doesn't say off road use only lol. And I did do some research but couldn't find much on off brand turbo kits.


because nobody goes with an off brand kit for something important like a turbo lol.

but for $400 it seems like you got it for a toy and not a DD.

Of course you can take that turbo money and make the teg look good then flip it for a decent profit.
rinse, repeat, profit.


New Member
Gonna take more than $600 to make this car look good enough to turn a profit. A turbo might make it turn a profit lol. But say I install everything for a turbo. How would I go about tuning it?


Neptune is basically cheap Hondata. Crome is THE cheapest software, but boosted folks say it's absolute crap lol. I use it, but im N/A sells everything you need. Then you find a tuner. In a perfect world your tuner will be awesome and tune the platform you use. But if you live in a place with limited access to tuners then you're stuck using whatever they use, whether it be Hondata or Crome.


Most ecu's will have a little port cut into the metal.

Go to and look at the hondata ecu's. You'll see it.