wrecked the teg :(


New Member
well one of my worst fears happened on new years. I was driving home and hit a patch of ice on a curved road and sled right into a shed. luckily me or my girlfriend was not injured but due to some technicalities i had to spend a night in jail (dont worry i learned my lesson). i just got the car out of impound yesterday and i havent decided yet on what i want to do with it. mainly just front end damage and luckily no damage to rad support. I'm looking for some advice on what i should do. maybe replace bumper, hood and fenders with oem or jdm front conversion or just sell it and buy another teg? here's a few pics that i was able to take.


any ideas what i should do? btw car still has a clean title even though airbags were deployed.


Wait and see what insurance says?

They *shouldn't* total is because it's only rather minimal (in my opinion) damage.


Senior Ricer
Looks like you just need a new bumper, fenders and a mirror. Check if the frame is bent, but I'd say just redo the front end, Glad you and your girl are okay though


New Member
theres no frame damage. i have liability insurance and i contacted them a fews ago but still havent heard anything. im hoping they dont total it since the airbags. I've already priced parts and jdm conversion would cost the same as buying stock oem replacement parts. i get my tax check soon so i plan on fixing it with that money. im also looking into trading for a 4 door teg since i have a kid.


This is a perfect excuse to go out and buy dope rims, a jdm front conversion, and spoon cf mirrors! :)


Integra Atheist
that's not to bad man i feel your pain though get new bumper and finders and hood you will be good to go want to see a wrecked teg check out my picks


Senior Ricer
Well then if the frame is bent no reason to get rid of that! All of the damage is fixable and the fat fives would look nice on that blue


any pics with the front bumper cover off and hood open? check to see if there is core support damage. You need new hood, fenders, mirror, and possible a new core support. Then they need to be painted. Also, your airbags blew. Im guessing its a total loss :/


Active Member
Sorry to hear. Happy you're okay :thumbs up And very happy to see you're already making plans to bring her back