^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


New Member
There is a DIY on here somewhere and on teamintegra

My abs when you turn the car on wines loud a few times, then shuts up. But the light is unpredictable. I should checked the codes, then beat it with a hammer


New Member
sorry no pics of the process.. just melt a hole using a soldering iron and plug the socket with the bulb in it.. wire it to the corner lights so they come on when you turn the lights to one click.. pretty easy to do..


Anyone used wireless adapaters before for internet? Can't run a ethernet cable to router since it's across the house. Of course I could run it underground but that's just to much work for a internet cable. Lol Currently using a Rosewill N900PCE card. My moms computer on ethernet cable gets 31 mbps. This adapter I was getting literally .27 mbps than I redirected the antennas as close to straight for the router as I could and i'm getting 13 mbps now. Any ideas on how to improve it more?

This is the adapter i'm using http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833166076


The other asshole
I spent like $300+ on my home network stuff plus 40mbps internet because that's the best "the woods" has