yeyyy its monday -_____- im home sick with food poisoning.
another successful meet, was good seeing everyone again. the tech sessions were great. We nearly had Tony installing his fogs & about to throw a modified auto ecu with a 2 step right in the parking lot lol. maybe next time.. I was way too excited for that anyway. I'll have to try Toms breather method now that I've finally got my vc to intake hose XD.
Took Nick for a ride along & visa versa, needless to say (probably already said enough) I'm incredibly impressed by his acceleration. Once the new set up is running it is going to be killer.. cant wait. Next stop, headwork for me! hahah. I am a bit concerned about my wheel hop tho. Did some minor research + Nicks advice, and seems to mainly come from suspension, motor mounts & bushings. The only thing left to be done in that regard on mine is the bushings. It really isn't that bad with just me in the car, but with Nick it was playing hop scotch.. Now wondering if it is driver/ skill related or weight issue. My clutch doesnt allow much play either. Thoughts?
Lastly & definitively not least.. Tom & I finally got a stretch or two of some open road on our way home... All ive got to say is Tom did it right & its something to be proud of. Right parts, right combination and the proof is all in the ride. It feels very mechanically sound, from the clutch to the gas pedal.. a lot more feel & response. Now, from a dig he pulled on me, not nearly as bad as before but still noticeable. Tried it a couple more times messing w/ starting gear, RPM & Vtec with the results being nearly the identical. Next, we pulled over and swapped. I immediately noticed how torquey his is out of vtec.. thinking, really these are itr cams?? I thought mine was particularly beefy in that dept. but was pleasantly surprised at how well his picks up. This is where it got interesting, as Tom in my car was keeping up with me in his. Whats changed? Surely driving in a straight line from a dig cannot be too reliant on driver skill. We boiled the fat down.. and what was left.. was fat! Im about ~100 or so pounds more than him. The manner in which he pulled away from me in the earlier pulls was no longer there, if anything it was barely pulling away this time where as before it was very noticeable. A couple more times for good measure
& we have a good reason to believe that its playing a major roll.
I actually weighed myself this morning & clocked in at 230. I was heavier a couple months ago by 20lbs or so, I'm a big eater & I love it. Its something I've always struggled with and have been trying to address more & more especially as I grow older. I got down to a 'normal' weight a couple years ago but obviously since then its all returned. Ill be working on it, there really is nothing to lose except that crutch. By eating less.. save $$, healthier, sexier, more energy and lastly a faster DC2. Its worth it, just need to focus.
Thanks for a great Saturday evening everyone, had a blast once again. Cant wait for next month:thumbup: