Death by my knowledge your headlights dont look like the jdm hid headlamps. The hid versions had a clear circular portion where the projector emits light and the lines are eliminated. To add to the dispute to difference, if you compare them even closer, the hid version has a smaller projector, or at least the front part where you see the lens, compared to the halogen version. Another difference is supported in the shape of the housing on the rear. HID version needs more room and sits farther out than the halogen version. You could retrofit but i was told by someone who does own both and their opinion was 'not worth it'. Workwise its more because the non hid version has less room to fit a projector in. But imo, all retro is work so its about finding a projector that will fit?
The jdm headlamps are definately not legal via dot in any state that requires a dot stamp. Another reason is that their cutoffs are rhd. Suggesting the jdm front as an option vs retrofit is quite an expensive route vs just doing a retrofit lol. But my goal was to have the front anyway.