Too tall...


Keeping it cool
you guys are nuts ;D

For now, all i can do is lean the seat back far enough to where my head doesnt hit the roof.


The Oddball On 2 Wheels
i just got an 89 3 days ago, i'm 6'4" and lanky, fit in height wise just fine, but i never can sit up straight due to motorcycle wrecks... my only problem is the tilt function on my steering column doesn't work... the guy i bought the car from was short and skinnier than i am... if it has a sunroof, be like Jeremy Clarkson and drive while looking out the roof


6'3" no issues, getting close to the top tho


RS owner
im 6'1" and i fit comfortably. i dont think an extra 2 inhes would make a difference. just tilt the back of the chair a bit

heres how i sit

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The other asshole
Your seat must be sitting strait up

I'm 6'4" and I don't have any problems


The other asshole
lol, Like I've seen an s2k out here in "The woods"

List of cars i fit in just fine

96 eclipse
79 firebird
83 camaro
95-01 mustang
97 GS-R
89 corvette
92 civic
I'm sure there's more but I've forgotten


No fucks given.
why is everyone so tall? i hate all of you. 5'7 here and quite frankly I DONT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS.
Don't hate tall people, it's fun being short, we can sit at any angle in our cars :lol:

Btw, I'm 5'6 and I'm most comfortable in my car with the seat slid all the way back.