can anyone tell me if i can turbo my engine


New Member
I would boost that engine since its old not much to lose but gain knowledge from it

sent from my phone using tapahoe 2


New Member
haha and you guys call me dumb. this is a d16a1 as i have said before


hi everyone can anyone tell me if i am able to turbocharge my engin form the valvle cover just being off. it is super clean and no gunk build up. cams look brand new. d16a1 engine. please respond and i will post up a picture if you would take interest in this.
flame squad strikes again..... watch out merc if you dont do your upgrades the same way as people on ci they will deem you retarted start callin you names and start blowing up the egos crackin jokes dont do it back or some one will flag your post.

To answer your question and stay on topic to the thread which is said in the rules, just love how some member can get away with not doin this and still be memeber, yah it can be but driveability and reliability are the questions you must ask. Is it gonna be daily driven or a track slut?


flame squad strikes again..... watch out merc if you dont do your upgrades the same way as people on ci they will deem you retarted start callin you names and start blowing up the egos crackin jokes dont do it back or some one will flag your post.

To answer your question and stay on topic to the thread which is said in the rules, just love how some member can get away with not doin this and still be memeber, yah it can be but driveability and reliability are the questions you must ask. Is it gonna be daily driven or a track slut?


Yolo Whippin'
flame squad strikes again..... watch out merc if you dont do your upgrades the same way as people on ci they will deem you retarted start callin you names and start blowing up the egos crackin jokes dont do it back or some one will flag your post.

To answer your question and stay on topic to the thread which is said in the rules, just love how some member can get away with not doin this and still be memeber, yah it can be but driveability and reliability are the questions you must ask. Is it gonna be daily driven or a track slut?
Dude...seriously stop. kind of at the end of my rope. Every single thread you go into you either
1. cant take a joke (wing thread) which is a catalyst for a flame fest
2. someone talks about you in the most indirect way ever (roll bar thread) and you go ape shit over nothing
3.. make snide comments about shit in the past (this thread)

If i acted like you towards everyone that disliked me on this forum i think i would have been banned long ago. Act with civility and people will treat you accordingly. People get treated as they treat others here. There are moderators who intervene but, for the most part people are clam here. Just when people stir up the pot things happen.


Yolo Whippin'
My car is built to look good and that's all I care about. No one flames me for it.
x2 and i completly disagree with what he does i actually have people send me his parts so he doesnt get them in a timely manner

true story actually


Yolo Whippin'
Anyways OP
do a compression test and a leakdown to determine how healthy your motor is.

You may need to find a manifold for your motor though which may be harder


x2 and i completly disagree with what he does i actually have people send me his parts so he doesnt get them in a timely manner

true story actually
Hahaha, she actually sent it to you? She called me in a panic that day from the UPS store like Joe and I live next to each other