Random hesitation..


Ok, 91 DA with B18B1 on stock DA computer.. Had same hesitation with my B18A1. Sometimes it would randomly creep slowly when i first start driving, then has a random surge of power and drives normal..

No CEL, new wires, cap, rotor, plugs, fuel filter, PCV valve and running short ram intake with clean filter.... No vacuum leaks at all.. Any ideas??


91 Integra
when you start driving can you floor it and have it not go any where? and then like a second later itll take of? maybe i could be way off but may an iac or tps


when i start driving it does that once in a while but mostly it wants to creep, then launch out of nowhere. IAC was clean and in working order. TPS, i havent checked.. But it could be that. We switched my b18a1 manifolds and TB over as well as the dizzy to the b1 that's in my teg now.


91 Integra
im sure some of the members through some forums have done swaps and stuff. im not sure what is or isnt compatible. only thing i could think of than would be that disconnected and drive it. the cel light will probably come on but you can drive with out it as a test. dont continue driving it if it helps. im not to sure about a hesitation but that maybe where i would look


Ok, that sounds good. Yeah it did the same thing with the b18a1 so I thought it was the ecu or something lol. Thanks alot for the info, that should help greatly


Will do! Thanks all, i'll see if it's the tps


91 Integra
i found a little info on the sensor. to test to make sure it is working you will need to have it pplugged in and back prob the wires. one is going to be ground and one should have a 5volt reference to the ecu the third is the one that changes. @ idle you should around .5 volts and @ wide open throttle you should have 4.5 volts. you should be able to watch it climb as you throttle opens. if there is a hesitation in there well there you go


New Member
could be the fuel pump going out, I had the same hesitation with mine, then my fuel pump failed, replaced it and hasn't hesitated since.


Oxygen sensor was the cause of mine. Not only did it cure issues with the lumpy acceleration, but I won back a few horsepowers after I swapped it.


I got the same hesitation problem, but also the car is very hard to start to now.

It seams to be hard to start almost all the time, and also stumbles on acceleration except for really slow acceleration.
Can kill the engine when I really step on the gas (fuel pressure spikes to about 42psi when I open the throttle)
Could it just be bad gas?
bad oxygen sensor saying car in open loop at start?
IAT (intake air temperature sensor) bad, any specs to check this out?
bad computer? (floor wet after rain, on computer side)

What I have checked so far.
1. Spark good, distributor cap looks worn though
*was running fine, then had problem, then ran fine again so shouldn't be from cap.
2. Compression ~152psi all cyl.
3. Fuel 32psi idle and no vacuum line connected ~40-42psi idle
4. Checked signal to injectors when cranking with no start, Working
5. Checked Main Relay, all power going out.
*voltage a bit low to fuel pump but fuel pressure good. (could it be dropping power to computer / ecu on start?
6. Ignition Timing was recently adjusted, after first time car stumbled on acceleration.
7. Checked TPS was .3 to 4.3 volts when measured from computer pin to battery ground was smooth all the way though.
8. Spark plugs where worn to .052 inch re-gaped to .040 inch
9. Spark plug Wire resistance was 6,900 ohm - 8,900 ohm for the longest wire

Any other things I should check?


I'll check it when I have some time, thinking about redoing the wiring harness because somebody that swapped the engine before I got it left all the mounting brackets for the wiring harness off.

Edit: too the car for a drive in the mountains, Had quite a few problems with it then it went away for a while and only noticed once on the way back, I noticed if i rocked the engine with the gas peddle or let it rock it seamed to go away.
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Finally Decided to remove and tear into my wiring harness, here is what I found, funny thing I Remember seeing these wires like that last time I was tracing a no start issue. For the repair, I soldered in a new section of wire so 2 solder joints, since it was right at a bend and I wanted the solder joints to not be bent. (forgot to take pictures got caught up in fixing it) (still finishing up with the wiring harness had to resolder, Temp sensor, Oxygen senor, Engine Coolant sensor, and do Distributor wiring since somebody else had to chop them or this was a junkyard wiring harness.)

This happened right where the wiring harness branches off into 4 parts.

Also never wrap wiring harness's wires in electrical tape it just leaves a sticky black residue when you remove it, Found some Self Fusing Electrical tape, though OEM seams to have used a similar product but much thinner and not so sticky.
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Looking for my next Teg..
aaaand folks that would do it !

Glad ya got it sorted. It is super easy to overlook simple things like this, but most wire insulation does indeed tend to become brittle with age.