noob here, lol, maybe not so much, ITR content inside :)

tenedor sports

New Member
Thanks for all of your comments ,,,
I am currently dealing with a bad situation, the guy I bought my seats from, which is a user in this site, his info is listed above, anyway, he is not answering my text or calls, I am honestly thinking he is trying to scam me, if anyone in Oakland know this guy please contact me ASAP!

tenedor sports

New Member
Yeah i have been dealing with one of the more unfortunate realities of our community, aside from car theft, the online theft and scamming.... so i got had by some punk in san leandro california by the name of zenney nguyen..... partly at fault because I was gullible enough to let him take my shit, anyway, fvck him and fvck his peoples too, he is lucky I am so far away...

anyway, the situation had me feeling down, but I said fvck that!!!!

so I needed a pick me up, so I decided to slap the regas on, along with the brand new bumper... it worked :bang:

I thought there was no other bumper more appropriate for this car than a backyard special bumper, this car can't be more of a backyard built car...



No fucks given.
Holy s*** dude. I think I may have to hire you to fix my car when the time comes :lol:

Sorry to hear about the whole zenney situation too. Tiny dick bastard will get what's coming to him soon enough.


learning to customize
U are my idol. i wanna be like this guy. i have always wanted to this kinda stuff i should have become a pannel beater rather than a mechanic oh well can always do both


anta honma ni shinude
Actually, Jesus did help me with it, that's my friend that works for Lexus, lol!!
The head I actually bought for 1k but came with a reciept for 1800 of machine
Work from pineapple racing, I did the block myself...

This is keep sake, just bought these, hope they get boxed up and ready to go
you got those on team integra lol...

tenedor sports

New Member
Holy s*** dude. I think I may have to hire you to fix my car when the time comes
Are you in town?

Sorry to hear about the whole zenney situation too. Tiny dick bastard will get what's coming to him soon enough.[/QUOTE]

I only wish I could get either the seats or my money..

trade me front lips lol...and wheels
Well, that would be really difficult since bys is constructed with the carbon Kevlar lip
Molded to the bumper, I'd be willy to trade wheels for some 5 lug m7, lol!

U are my idol. i wanna be like this guy. i have always wanted to this kinda stuff i should have become a pannel beater rather than a mechanic oh well can always do both
Thank you! I am a mechanic, and amatuer body guy, but my buddy Jesus is the body man, talented one I might add, you should try and do both!

you got those on team integra lol...
Got what? The seats? No, I got scammed ...


anta honma ni shinude
Are you in town?

Sorry to hear about the whole zenney situation too. Tiny dick bastard will get what's coming to him soon enough.
I only wish I could get either the seats or my money..

Well, that would be really difficult since bys is constructed with the carbon Kevlar lip
Molded to the bumper, I'd be willy to trade wheels for some 5 lug m7, lol!

Thank you! I am a mechanic, and amatuer body guy, but my buddy Jesus is the body man, talented one I might add, you should try and do both!

Got what? The seats? No, I got scammed ...[/QUOTE]I know you did
The article is on TI.

tenedor sports

New Member
Can I get a link?

Wow, I mangled those quotes up, lol!!!

Sorry English is not my first language, but I can't figure out
what you were trying to say :(


Active Member
This is a fantastic resoration! Everyone involved should know they did an amazing job. Thanks for saving this ITR.

tenedor sports

New Member
Thank You!!! Just sucks that after all the hard work
Someone steals from me, throwing the whole build
Off... I'm a stay at home dad that does side work
While I go to school to finish my degree, I save all my
Cash to buy exactly what this car needs in my eyes,
It's discouraging when something like this happens...


not a girl lol
Thank You!!! Just sucks that after all the hard work
Someone steals from me, throwing the whole build
Off... I'm a stay at home dad that does side work
While I go to school to finish my degree, I save all my
Cash to buy exactly what this car needs in my eyes,
It's discouraging when something like this happens...
wow sounds like one of my friends haha except he buys damaged cars for cheap cheap, fixes them in his backyard including body work and paint by himself then sells the cars for major profit.

amazing build, it truly is inspiring

btw i love this pic


New Member
Dont let that Zenny guy ruin your build. Lessons learned and now its time to refocus on your project. This car will be so amazing when finished. I can only wish I had the time to do a full restoration on my teg and knock out everything that needs to be done. Keep the great work coming bro, it will all be worth it in the end.