low idle at start up


New Member
my 87 integra fast idle control valve is not upping the idle! and my part store said no part!? now what*%$&^#^#@:???:


New Member
Same problem of no fast idle at start up

my 87 integra fast idle control valve is not upping the idle! and my part store said no part!? now what*%$&^#^#@:???:
I know how to fix a stuck fast idle but this is the opposite problem.
I have to let it warm up before i can drive it because of no fast idle at start up.


Automatic Lover
Not sure what the 1st gen fitv looks like, but probably similar to the 3rd gens. You could try cleaning it by taking it off. Only bad thing is the the gaskets and bolts are probably going to be very brittle so take care. Sounds like it is stuck. On the 3rd gens, there is a coverplate held on by 2 bolts, and 3 bolts connecting it to bottem of TB. When you have it off, you can see a large spring, and a plastic screw plate on the end where the cover plate is. It sounds like the spring is stuck-hence it not opening. You could try backing the plastic part out (provided thats how it's desinged) and removing the spring. Then clean the hell out of the inside with some fuel injection cleaner.


Automatic Lover
there is a diy here as well on cleaning it
Probably the same one. Best bet would be to source a new TB from a junk yard. You could do an even swap if the FIVC/FITV is still good This will also give you a few spare parts if you need them. Another option that will get you buy is to put a blocking plate on and put a t extension on the coolant hoses. Cold starts might be a little rougher, but summer is here.


New Member
Not sure what the 1st gen fitv looks like, but probably similar to the 3rd gens. You could try cleaning it by taking it off. Only bad thing is the the gaskets and bolts are probably going to be very brittle so take care. Sounds like it is stuck. On the 3rd gens, there is a coverplate held on by 2 bolts, and 3 bolts connecting it to bottem of TB. When you have it off, you can see a large spring, and a plastic screw plate on the end where the cover plate is. It sounds like the spring is stuck-hence it not opening. You could try backing the plastic part out (provided thats how it's desinged) and removing the spring. Then clean the hell out of the inside with some fuel injection cleaner.
If I got it right what you're calling the FITV is what I'm calling the EAVC (Electronic Air Control Vale) that wasn't the problem. when I have the ilde staying fast after warmup that's whats causing it but that's not the problem. this time it's NOT going into fast idle. Something I found out by experimenting was the water going to it does not have anything to do with it's setting. My guess is the water going to it is just to keep the EAVC from getting too hot and damaging the coils in it. I determined this by getting a second EAVC, mounting it to the intake manifold, plugging it in, and starting it up while the one in question was off to the side with the water flowing through it. (I have 3 1st gen integras so I did it with one that was fast idleing properly) If the water flowing through it was influencing it the idle it should have never gone down after warming up as no hot water was flowing through it. so when it went down to warmed up idle I knew something else was sensing the water temp to close the valve.
What I replaced that solved it was the TW sensor. When I took the one out off the car that was cold idleing properly and put it in it fixed it.
The TW sensor is the 2 pin one by the cylinder sensor (below and a little to the left) don't confuse it with the Temp. gauge sensor which is next to it and has only one wire.
I couldn't test the bad one by putting in the good running car because it broke off in the head as I was putting it in (maybe there was a crack in the casing of the sensor that made it go bad to begin with?) If it caused the good running car to lose it's cold idle it would have been proof positive.
Anyway, i found another one in a head I had lying around so now both cars are idleing properly and all the cleaning I did while chasing down the problem seemed to help also. it's great to have one working right to exchange parts with the one having problems to diagnose problems.

For all the tldr guys out there it the TW sensor.

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