daritzcracker DC4 progress, the quest for UKDM


Don't forget about the sidemarkers too,haha yea it took me over 3yrs to collect my parts, and that was before ukdm got popular. Takes time, just gotta be paintent and have the $ on haha

Best advice is be friends with other ukdm enthusiast, they will be your best source for uk parts.

Don't forget about the sidemarkers too,haha yea it took me over 3yrs to collect my parts, and that was before ukdm got popular. Takes time, just gotta be paintent and have the $ on haha

Best advice is be friends with other ukdm enthusiast, they will be your best source for uk parts.
yeah i am trying to find some people that are into it.. the sidemarkers is what i wanted to do next but i am kinda afrad of cutting my fenders :???: even thought i have seen a templete for them.. hmm maybe my next thing?


blades.... i got uk sidemarkers in my trunk if your interested in them lmk,,, also got replica uk sidemarkers,

this might help you out for the sidemarkers


New Member
Good sweet lord. That's a helluva steal for some OEM UK tails!! They're really starting to grow on me... Car looks great! Keep up the good work man!
blades.... i got uk sidemarkers in my trunk if your interested in them lmk,,, also got replica uk sidemarkers,

this might help you out for the sidemarkers
could you pm me a price on them? is it an easy install? well as easy as it can be for cutting into the fender?

Go with the fat fives and let me get those blades! :)
ha if you hd something to trade like your si's maybe, but the tires on the baldes are completely shot.
it has been a very long time since I have posted but tha t means I have been busy with a lot of things! over the summer the teg was nearly completed with a full tune up and extra goodies, and even pullled off a auto to manual swap with the help from justin welll enough talking here are some pictures!

here i am getting ready for the swap, figured we would pull the engine to do the timing belt, water pump and serpentine belts since it had 143000 miles and no telling when it was done!

started to pull hoses, radiator and unplug everything! not pictured is the DC 4-2-1 ceramic header i picked up for 100! hoist is positioned starting to be point of no return!

engine and trans are free! forgot about the auto shift cable at first and also the trans bracket so when i started pumping the hoist and the engine wasn't budging i was stumped! also clearing the A/C lines was a PITA!

it was around 10 o clock now had to separate thee auto trans from the engine block, but forgot about draining the trans oil, it ran down the driveway..OOPs

cutting holes for the new shift linkage, didnt know how much to cut so I cut it all!

test fit of the shift linkage! it fit.. so now what to do aboout the hole?

Don't think I got it pictured but I ended up buying a piece of shet metal at lowes, and cut it to fit the long hole and used a gasket sealant to hold it on with rivets, also took a small square piece of cardboard and made a stencil and thhen transferred it to sheet metal then went to my welding class and cut it out :) Oxy fuel torch! FTW

here is everything back installed you can see a small piece of the plate and sealant but since then I replaced the boot with a OEM one

dropping the engine back in with the trans in, went with a GSR trans since I picked it up for 300 couldn't refuse! only bad thing is the 2nd and 4th gear syncros are going out :-( but they will be replaced with carbon coated ones when I have money

borrowed Justin's air compressor for the engine mount bolts, and I put it all back together in it! not a easy job for one man

after getting everything back together, took it on its maiden voyage! loved every second of it too!
Since I decided to go full UKDM or pretty darn close I knew I had to start buying parts again! never stops but I wasn't complaining!

picked up the climate control for like 45 bucks not a bad price at all for the carbon fiber one! I needed a new one since I accidentily broke the vents on my old one

picked up my second set of blades! after I traded my old ones to Justin for his SIi's I knew I needed them again they willl look clean on my blue teg and picking em up for 200 isnt a bad price! they just need to be stripped and sanded and polished will start on them when it gets warmer here