moving license plate


New Member
i am planning on moving my license plate to my grill and was wondering where to get the little plugs for the front bumper where the front license plate currently is. so far my plate for not having the plugs is to put a mustache sticker there and call it a day well done


Active Member
I've seen them on eBay. You could also try I believe that is their site. But definately try eBay.


New Member
also, this will sound dumb but going to ask still, its fine to move the license plate to the passenger side of the grill in California, right?

i see it all the time but not going to base it by that, i see many cars with no front plate, tinted tails, windows and its not legal so thought I'd ask


DB8 Whore
also, this will sound dumb but going to ask still, its fine to move the license plate to the passenger side of the grill in California, right?

i see it all the time but not going to base it by that, i see many cars with no front plate, tinted tails, windows and its not legal so thought I'd ask
I don't see why not. The new Evo's come stock with the plate on the side of the grill, so it should be legal as long as it's visable.


User that is Registered
i found one of these in my car the other day...idk where it came from but i knocked it out of my car when I was getting out. I had no clue what it was. hahaha I'd send you my pair, but I only found one haha and considering i don't know where it came from, i have no idea where the other one is lol. The timing for me finding it and this thread telling me what it was seems oddly coincidental though..haha


User that is Registered
it depends on how far over you put it, the way i did mine, i wouldn;t be able to puf fogs in. however i did a DIY one with pieces of miscellaneous thing i had around. also, with those bumper plugs, there is some kind of backing that you need as well. I glued mine because i dont know that either...idk if that was a great idea, but it works and you can't tell



New Member
it depends on how far over you put it, the way i did mine, i wouldn;t be able to puf fogs in. however i did a DIY one with pieces of miscellaneous thing i had around. also, with those bumper plugs, there is some kind of backing that you need as well. I glued mine because i dont know that either...idk if that was a great idea, but it works and you can't tell

your blocking your intake from that side aint you?


User that is Registered
no, i dont have a link, I literally just looked through an old coffee can of miscellaneous pieces of metal and brackets and things, and came up with a design. It's ghetto rigged as s**t, but it works and looks good from the outside! I went out and snapped a few pics te explain cuz i wouldn't be able to in words:

^^ this is just to keep it from sagging on the outside