CI Official DB2 Squad Thread


Active Member
So squad..... help me decide what I should do with my b17 head. Lol.


Active Member
Its lonely!! Haha, nothing. I would send it out and get it freshened up before anything. And upgrade the valvetrain. Just need to figure out what I wanna do. Or if I just wanna boost the LS and save the head for sumthn else.
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Active Member
That was a thought haha

Why no? ls/v is just as reliable as the person who builds it, and I have no worries in that dept.
Kinda debating on if i want to find a DC shell and make a nice DD then turn my db2 into a track car.
SO MANY OPTIONS!! Ahhhh!! Lol.


Active Member
Okay, gonna assume you are talking to me. And I've been preety lenient with noobs. Not gonna b nice this time. So fuckin noob if You were talking to me. How bout you shove something in That mouth, And take a look at my fuckin build thread. Thanks, have a nice day, and gtfo. Do you even have a db2..? Don't just come in the end of a huge thread and post some shit That makes no sense, and looks incomplete. Not a good way to earn respect or cred around here.


Active Member
Yeah, noticed that after seeing the other posts. Haha Oh well, in That case he needs to do more than shove something in his mouth Haha. But stay away from my build!! No spam for me haha