
Well, I don't really know you, but welcome back and it will be good getting to know you if you are going to be on a lot again!
Thank you for your services!!! I lost a brother 8 years ago and another one wounded by a road side bomb 6 years ago. I can't even put in words how much I appreciate each and even service member who put their lives on the line to serve our country!!


RS owner
Epic integra build going to take off??
heh. i wish. gas prices now are too many crazy bros!! im debating on purchasing a motorbike :D

Well, I don't really know you, but welcome back and it will be good getting to know you if you are going to be on a lot again!
thanks new guy! lol!!

Thank you for your services!!! I lost a brother 8 years ago and another one wounded by a road side bomb 6 years ago. I can't even put in words how much I appreciate each and even service member who put their lives on the line to serve our country!!
thanks bro! it was pretty crazy overseas. i mean, i wasnt really in the line of fire in my line of work (helo mechanic) but ive seen fixed wing (jets) and my helos leave fully loaded and came back empty.

we even captured pirates!! google 'john c stennis capture pirates'. im sure theres tons of info about it now