Yeah, I believe it belong to one of the employees of The Hat. Tough guy with his Mustang... Probably got a speeding ticket after be boned out like ricer.I'm glad I went met and made some new friends and fellow teggers : ) I look forward to the next meet. Had alot of laughs. what the.......sorry some guy in a mustang revved his engine...lmao!!!
I'm really hoping that was a joke the FORD owner pulled lolI'm glad I went met and made some new friends and fellow teggers : ) I look forward to the next meet. Had alot of laughs. what the.......sorry some guy in a mustang revved his engine...lmao!!!
Bad part about this story is that IT'S TRUE (Grrrrrrrr) well I guess I'm only hittin VTEC when necessary....that's it I'm getting a sticker that says: " Don't rev at me....You're NOT worth my gas" lolI'm really hoping that was a joke the FORD owner pulled lol
a little story guys!!! on my way hope I seen a gas station with gas prices at 5.09 regular, 5.19 plus, 5.29 premium, I thought it was a mistake and my gf was just shocked...I brushed it off like nothing thinking pure mistake...I was wrong the station made it on the Morning News and it's pure Real!! WTF...10 bucks will get you less than 2 gal...well the US has to fund the new war on Iran!!
Sounds goods man my 4s can only do so much lolI'll bring my DSLR next month to take some quality pictures of your guys' Integras. :thumbs up
lmao!! for me it will say " broke as a joke <<--pass with caution<<-- "Bad part about this story is that IT'S TRUE (Grrrrrrrr) well I guess I'm only hittin VTEC when necessary....that's it I'm getting a sticker that says: " Don't rev at me....You're NOT worth my gas" lol
lmmfao!!!!lmao!! For me it will say " broke as a joke <<--pass with caution<<-- "lol