Noob here!!

Kidd Integra

New Member
Hey I'm a noob to integras, to be honest all hondas. My specialty is body work and interior. don't know much about engines or anything other than the basics.

But anyways I'm picking up a 93 teg ls non-v and need some help deciding on mods to do.

Kidd Integra

New Member
Haha research is all I've been doing lately. Any specific sites or resources I could check out?

I'm pretty sure the engine is a b18a1 but how can I find out for sure?


sees all
the engine # is marked on the front of the block, I'll post a pic tomorrow night, just to the left of the exhaust manifold. And as a suggestion, a badass tune up never hurt anything.

Kidd Integra

New Member
Ok priority list has changed. Gonna do short ram intake and then maybe a cat back exhaust. Recommendations on brands please

Kidd Integra

New Member
@nox-yea thats what I was looking at. Got the performance and decent price. I'll be ordering it once I decide on an exhaust system.


Quick-Spool Racing LLC
Well feel free to pm me and I'll get you the best prices around on whatever you order. Exhaust, then just leave it stock until you are ready. No point in wasting money