Anyone know Japanese?


Gold Member
well I spent like 45 minutes scanning last night and then vista locked up (go figure) and I had to manually power down and I lost the scanned images so I gotta do that again -_____-


Just call me chris.
Shit I'm running XP on my lap top. Downgraded from vista and It still out performs all the windows 7 computers I've used.


Gold Member
s*** I'm running XP on my lap top. Downgraded from vista and It still out performs all the windows 7 computers I've used.
i had NO problems with XP till I tried to run 3ds max (3d modeling program) on it. just wouldnt keep up. Imma try wine on linux and see if its faster. autodesk hasnt developed a mac version or linux version of 3ds yet so i'm stuck with windows or a linux emulator. this thread got WAY off topic lol