Interior Cloth Roof


New Member
The roof in my teg is falling off and is only being held on by a small clip in the back. I want to look into replacing it, does anyone know if they even sell these things? I've looked on almost every car site possible.


Real Good!
def do something your self
i have suede, did the headliner, door inserts, speaker covers, small corner covers inside the doors(the cover the part where the side mirrors bolt onto) and the i did the piece around the shifter

I had pictures but cant find them

its very easy to do the headliner, take it out of the car obviously
peel the fabric off, then the foam crap
clean it up alittle, the spray on this glue
lay down your fabric
once u have that done, cut the edges alittle long so u can tuck it behind the headliner once its done

im sure u can find a write up somewhere online, but its pretty easy to do!


New Member
Ok awesome, any suggestions on where I can pick up some sturdy material? (preferably black)


why don't you just go with leather? i mean it smell, rip, or dirty as easily. you can check amazon for just material or something like that. or travel to a local arts and crafts store


Well-Known Member
Wait, so the fabric is sagging? Or the clips are broken and the whole headliner is sagging?

If the clips are damaged/broken/missing, you will need to repair them or get a new headliner. No amount of fabric will help that. I dont ever see people take out headliners from the integras that come through my junkyard, so you may have some luck getting a complete one out of there.


New Member
I was fortunate with mine. i picked up black tweed and camo mesh from a hobby store for dirt cheap I used the 3m super 77. turned out decent for me.......



^ damn when i was reading your post i was like, "camo mesh? wth?" it actually looks pretty sick and original haha


New Member
it was kind of a pain in the butt towards the end. I forgot to remove the original material before I laid the tweed down..... that tweed was soooo thick.... oh well. What is great about the color scheme on that pattern is the bezels for the dome light and the reading lights kind of match the tan in the fabric... i didnt notice until after i was done either lol........