x3 performace chip


New Member
I have a x3 performance chip and it has a screw adjustment. Which way should I turn it for the best performance. Thanks for any help. Roger.


level 77 troll
You should uninstall it. Those "performance chips" will destroy your engine. The only chip that should be installed is one that was mapped professionally by someone that put YOUR car on HIS/HER DYNO, and tuned it specifically for YOUR car only. Those fuel maps on that chip are either stock maps, or WAY WAY WAY off on air/fuel mix for your exact setup. 99% sure you'll cut your engine life in half or more by keeping that chip in. Get your money back and drive as far from that thing as possible.


New Member
I'm taking that chip out today.I'd rather let my computer set the fuel and air ratio. Haha. Thanks guys.


level 77 troll
Miracle chips only work wonders for us mechanics. Just makes a bigger ticket when you fry your motor and I have to rebuild it for $1000+ cuz of your super chip. Take it from someone who has to see what they do to your motor. Toss it. I hate doing rings....gosh dang it....