WTB: rear wiper delete plug


New Member
i was thinkin on ditchin the wing and the rear wiper where can i get some kinda plug for the wiper hole?


Super Moderator
Yeah, I do feel like shit. But Honda is the correct answer. They are cheap


a.k.a. crabs!
for the rear wiper... theres a plug in your firewall you can use. its behind the battery. just pop it out wipe it off and stick it in the window with some silicone and youre good to go. thats all i did. but i ended up buying a plug to put back into the firewall from a guy on TI because i didnt want anything crawling up into my dash lol


New Member
even better than that I read on a tread somewhere that there is one under the plastic tray that your battery sits in so I took out my battery and there it was doing absolutely nothing just sitting there. It fit perfect I used a little shoe goo as a sealant and its perfect.


RS owner
the plug near the battery on the firewall is your best bet.. just silicone on the backside to prevent leaks..